Friday 2 May 2014

Badoque@Thomson Part 2

Garlic Chilli Chuka

Tiny glaring-red octopus marinated and sautéed with mixture of garlic and chilli that gives a solid punch to your palette. The accompanying salad which comprised shredded/julienned pickled carrot and some greens is a good combination that adds a little sourness to the dish that makes you want to continue eating. It was a very light and tasty appetiser.

Ayam Bakar 

Ayam Bakar or to be more accurate Ayam Percik is a Kelantanese goodness which is very popular with Malays in particular Malaysians. It is a complete dish that can easily be shared by 2 persons. A big portion of chicken Maryland coated with a generous amount of spicy marinate and grilled to perfection. Unlike the normal ayam percik sold at Hari Raya bazaars which are normally reddish/brownish in colour, this is the traditional version and is 'white'. The coconut cream or santan used which is the main ingredient was not too overwhelming. The dish goes very well with the Basmati rice served, which is fluffy and gives out a nice aroma and full of taste. Though I think the chicken marinate could use a little bit more salt, but when you eat with the rice and the pickled carrot, the taste of the dish was quite balanced. Delicious and satisfying.

Kepak Bing Bing

This dish is not for the health-conscious because the tastiness of the chicken lies in the chicken skin which is spicy, well-seasoned and crispy. Once you 'undressed' the chicken, the meat tastes bland.The order comes in a big portion of about 10 pieces of chicken drumlets which can easily be shared with 3 or 4 friends. Like all fried food, it's really yummy to eat while it's hot.

Seafood Soufflé 

Many of us know that Soufflé is a dessert. But Badoque created a savoury dish that comes with basmati rice mixed with sambal belacan. Yes its sambal belacan! so it resembles fried rice.
The Soufflé is spiced with Thai spices and cooked with a mixture of seafood like squid, prawns and mussels. Tasted a bit like 'otak-otak' but softer texture, it can be eaten on its own without any accompaniment or a lighter carbohydrate.
However, the seafood were a bit over-cooked, in particular the mussels. Like all Soufflés, this dish is best eaten while it's hot.

Ice Cream Meringue Cake

1/2 portion shown in the picture. It is definitely for someone with a sweet tooth. The cake is layered with meringue baked to a soft brown and have the softest and lightest texture. It goes well with the vanilla ice-cream.  A good 'closure' to a scrumptious dinner.

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